GES 668: Building Spatial Datasets (Fall 2024)

In this course, students learn how to look critically at spatial data and use the R programming language to transform, visualize, and create spatial datasets. Working with open-source tools, reproducible methods, and real world data, students develop skills in the fundamentals of reading and wrangling spatial data with the sf and tidyverse family of R packages.

Week Date Topic Slides Exercise
1 Fri, Aug 30 Getting started with spatial data using sf and the tidyverse 📖 📝
2 Fri, Sep 6 Visualizing spatial data with ggplot2 📖 📝
3 Fri, Sep 13 Transforming data with dplyr 📖 📝
4 Fri, Sep 20 Transforming spatial data attributes 📖 📝
5 Fri, Sep 27 Applying spatial transformations and geometric operations using sf 📖 📝
6 Fri, Oct 4 Tidying and joining spatial data 📖 📝
7 Fri, Oct 11 Building functions in R and literate programming with Quarto 📖 📝
8 Fri, Oct 18 Developing an exploratory data analysis with sf and the tidyverse 📖
9 Fri, Oct 25 Editing OpenStreetMap and exploring OpenStreetMap data with the osmdata package 📖
10 Fri, Nov 1 Exploring American Community Survey data with the tidycensus package
11 Fri, Nov 8 Reading and writing spatial data files and services 📖
12 Fri, Nov 15 Creating and managing spatial metadata 📖
13 Fri, Nov 22 Project check-in meetings (no class)
14 Fri, Nov 29 Review and work session
15 Fri, Dec 6 Final project presentations
Sat, Dec 14 Due: Final project repository