Reading and writing spatial data

Session 11



  • Spatial data is everywhere
  • Navigating specifications, file formats, and services
  • Working with common spatial file formats
  • Working with popular spatial web services

Spatial data is everywhere

  • Shapefiles, GeoJSON files, and other spatial data files
  • Spatial data editing and hosting services, e.g. ArcGIS Online or Felt)
  • Open data portals serving spatial and non-spatial data, e.g.

Spatial data is everywhere

Spatial data is everywhere

  • Phone camera photos (stored in the EXIF metadata)
  • Calendars (iCal), contacts (vCard), and emails (using IP address locations)

Creating spatial data is “easy”

What can we do with it all?

  • Read and write spatial data files
  • Read and write related data files
  • Read from and write to web services

Standards and specifications

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Standards are organized into categories:

  • APIs (e.g. Moving Features API)
  • Web Services (e.g. Web Feature Service)
  • Data Models and Encodings (e.g. GeoTIFF)
  • and more (Sensors, Publish-Subscribe, Syndication & Context, Discovery, Containers, Abstract Specifications)

Standards and specifications

Source: xkcd: Standards (CC BY-NC 2.5)

Common spatial file formats

  • Shapefile (.shp)
  • GeoJSON (.json, .geojson)
  • GeoPackage (.gpkg)
  • KML - Keyhole Markup Language (.kml)
  • Esri File Geodatabase (.gdb)
  • GPX - GPS Exchange Format (.gpx)

Common spatial file formats

These file formats vary in:

  • How geometry is stored
  • Input/output speed
  • File size
  • Compatibility with tools/systems
  • Other constraints or limits
  • And more!

Specialized spatial file formats

Specialized spatial file formats

Historically, many tools and formats did not work together

Now, GDAL supports translation between many different formats

Read spatial data files with R

The dsn or data source name for sf::read_sf() can include:

  • a file name
  • a URL
  • a folder
  • the name and access credentials of a database
  • a character string with the contents of a GeoJSON file

Read spatial data files with R

You can use the query parameter of sf::read_sf() to use a SQL query to select records from a file (or select a specific geographical extent).

Many file formats can include spatial data

Non-spatial files can still be used to store Well Known Text (WKT) strings, coordinate values, or addresses (convertible to spatial data):

  • Excel files (xlsx or xls)
  • vCard or VCF (Virtual Contact File)
  • EXIF metadata in a JPEG, HEIC, PNG, TIFF or other media file

Reading data into R

  • Read data using {sf}
  • Read data using a package that returns a sf object
  • Read data and use {sf} to convert to a sf object

Writing data from R

  • Write data to a spatial file using {sf}
  • Write data a a non-spatial file using a different package

When you write spatial data to a non-spatial format, you should drop the geometry or convert the geometry to coordinates or well-known text.

Read data using {sf}

First load {sf}:


Read data using {sf}

{sf} can use any available drivers to read data:

drivers <- sf::st_drivers()

ESRIC                   ESRIC
PCIDSK                 PCIDSK
netCDF                 netCDF
PDS4                     PDS4
VICAR                   VICAR
JP2OpenJPEG       JP2OpenJPEG
PDF                       PDF
MBTiles               MBTiles
BAG                       BAG
EEDA                     EEDA
OGCAPI                 OGCAPI
ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile
MapInfo File     MapInfo File
UK .NTF               UK .NTF
LVBAG                   LVBAG
OGR_SDTS             OGR_SDTS
S57                       S57
DGN                       DGN
OGR_VRT               OGR_VRT
Memory                 Memory
CSV                       CSV
GML                       GML
GPX                       GPX
KML                       KML
GeoJSON               GeoJSON
GeoJSONSeq         GeoJSONSeq
TopoJSON             TopoJSON
OGR_GMT               OGR_GMT
GPKG                     GPKG
SQLite                 SQLite
ODBC                     ODBC
WAsP                     WAsP
PGeo                     PGeo
MSSQLSpatial     MSSQLSpatial
PostgreSQL         PostgreSQL
OpenFileGDB       OpenFileGDB
DXF                       DXF
CAD                       CAD
FlatGeobuf         FlatGeobuf
Geoconcept         Geoconcept
GeoRSS                 GeoRSS
VFK                       VFK
PGDUMP                 PGDUMP
OSM                       OSM
GPSBabel             GPSBabel
OGR_PDS               OGR_PDS
WFS                       WFS
OAPIF                   OAPIF
EDIGEO                 EDIGEO
SVG                       SVG
Idrisi                 Idrisi
XLS                       XLS
ODS                       ODS
XLSX                     XLSX
Elasticsearch   Elasticsearch
Carto                   Carto
AmigoCloud         AmigoCloud
SXF                       SXF
Selafin               Selafin
JML                       JML
CSW                       CSW
VDV                       VDV
MVT                       MVT
NGW                       NGW
MapML                   MapML
TIGER                   TIGER
AVCBin                 AVCBin
AVCE00                 AVCE00
HTTP                     HTTP
                                                          long_name write  copy
ESRIC                                            Esri Compact Cache FALSE FALSE
PCIDSK                                         PCIDSK Database File  TRUE FALSE
netCDF                                   Network Common Data Format  TRUE  TRUE
PDS4                                   NASA Planetary Data System 4  TRUE  TRUE
VICAR                                               MIPL VICAR file  TRUE  TRUE
JP2OpenJPEG              JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library FALSE  TRUE
PDF                                                  Geospatial PDF  TRUE  TRUE
MBTiles                                                     MBTiles  TRUE  TRUE
BAG                                      Bathymetry Attributed Grid  TRUE  TRUE
EEDA                                          Earth Engine Data API FALSE FALSE
OGCAPI                                                       OGCAPI FALSE FALSE
ESRI Shapefile                                       ESRI Shapefile  TRUE FALSE
MapInfo File                                           MapInfo File  TRUE FALSE
UK .NTF                                                     UK .NTF FALSE FALSE
LVBAG                                   Kadaster LV BAG Extract 2.0 FALSE FALSE
OGR_SDTS                                                       SDTS FALSE FALSE
S57                                                  IHO S-57 (ENC)  TRUE FALSE
DGN                                                Microstation DGN  TRUE FALSE
OGR_VRT                                    VRT - Virtual Datasource FALSE FALSE
Memory                                                       Memory  TRUE FALSE
CSV                                    Comma Separated Value (.csv)  TRUE FALSE
GML                                 Geography Markup Language (GML)  TRUE FALSE
GPX                                                             GPX  TRUE FALSE
KML                                   Keyhole Markup Language (KML)  TRUE FALSE
GeoJSON                                                     GeoJSON  TRUE FALSE
GeoJSONSeq                                         GeoJSON Sequence  TRUE FALSE
ESRIJSON                                                   ESRIJSON FALSE FALSE
TopoJSON                                                   TopoJSON FALSE FALSE
OGR_GMT                                    GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt)  TRUE FALSE
GPKG                                                     GeoPackage  TRUE  TRUE
SQLite                                          SQLite / Spatialite  TRUE FALSE
ODBC                                                                FALSE FALSE
WAsP                                               WAsP .map format  TRUE FALSE
PGeo                                      ESRI Personal GeoDatabase FALSE FALSE
MSSQLSpatial                  Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Database  TRUE FALSE
PostgreSQL                                       PostgreSQL/PostGIS  TRUE FALSE
OpenFileGDB                                            ESRI FileGDB FALSE FALSE
DXF                                                     AutoCAD DXF  TRUE FALSE
CAD                                                  AutoCAD Driver FALSE FALSE
FlatGeobuf                                               FlatGeobuf  TRUE FALSE
Geoconcept                                               Geoconcept  TRUE FALSE
GeoRSS                                                       GeoRSS  TRUE FALSE
VFK                            Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format FALSE FALSE
PGDUMP                                          PostgreSQL SQL dump  TRUE FALSE
OSM                                       OpenStreetMap XML and PBF FALSE FALSE
GPSBabel                                                   GPSBabel  TRUE FALSE
OGR_PDS                                Planetary Data Systems TABLE FALSE FALSE
WFS                                   OGC WFS (Web Feature Service) FALSE FALSE
OAPIF                                            OGC API - Features FALSE FALSE
EDIGEO                                French EDIGEO exchange format FALSE FALSE
SVG                                        Scalable Vector Graphics FALSE FALSE
Idrisi                                         Idrisi Vector (.vct) FALSE FALSE
XLS                                                 MS Excel format FALSE FALSE
ODS            Open Document/ LibreOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet   TRUE FALSE
XLSX                                 MS Office Open XML spreadsheet  TRUE FALSE
Elasticsearch                                        Elastic Search  TRUE FALSE
Carto                                                         Carto  TRUE FALSE
AmigoCloud                                               AmigoCloud  TRUE FALSE
SXF                                     Storage and eXchange Format FALSE FALSE
Selafin                                                     Selafin  TRUE FALSE
JML                                                    OpenJUMP JML  TRUE FALSE
PLSCENES                                     Planet Labs Scenes API FALSE FALSE
CSW                          OGC CSW (Catalog  Service for the Web) FALSE FALSE
VDV                             VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format  TRUE FALSE
MVT                                             Mapbox Vector Tiles  TRUE FALSE
NGW                                                     NextGIS Web  TRUE  TRUE
MapML                                                         MapML  TRUE FALSE
TIGER                                        U.S. Census TIGER/Line FALSE FALSE
AVCBin                                     Arc/Info Binary Coverage FALSE FALSE
AVCE00                                Arc/Info E00 (ASCII) Coverage FALSE FALSE
HTTP                                          HTTP Fetching Wrapper FALSE FALSE
               is_raster is_vector   vsi
ESRIC               TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
PCIDSK              TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
netCDF              TRUE      TRUE FALSE
PDS4                TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
VICAR               TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
JP2OpenJPEG         TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
PDF                 TRUE      TRUE FALSE
MBTiles             TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
BAG                 TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
EEDA               FALSE      TRUE FALSE
OGCAPI              TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
ESRI Shapefile     FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
MapInfo File       FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
UK .NTF            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
LVBAG              FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
OGR_SDTS           FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
S57                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
DGN                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
OGR_VRT            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
Memory             FALSE      TRUE FALSE
CSV                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GML                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GPX                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
KML                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GeoJSON            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GeoJSONSeq         FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
TopoJSON           FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
OGR_GMT            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GPKG                TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
SQLite             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
ODBC               FALSE      TRUE FALSE
WAsP               FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
PGeo               FALSE      TRUE FALSE
MSSQLSpatial       FALSE      TRUE FALSE
PostgreSQL         FALSE      TRUE FALSE
OpenFileGDB        FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
DXF                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
CAD                 TRUE      TRUE  TRUE
FlatGeobuf         FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
Geoconcept         FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GeoRSS             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
VFK                FALSE      TRUE FALSE
PGDUMP             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
OSM                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
GPSBabel           FALSE      TRUE FALSE
OGR_PDS            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
WFS                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
OAPIF              FALSE      TRUE FALSE
EDIGEO             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
SVG                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
Idrisi             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
XLS                FALSE      TRUE FALSE
ODS                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
XLSX               FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
Elasticsearch      FALSE      TRUE FALSE
Carto              FALSE      TRUE FALSE
AmigoCloud         FALSE      TRUE FALSE
SXF                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
Selafin            FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
JML                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
CSW                FALSE      TRUE FALSE
VDV                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
MVT                FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
NGW                 TRUE      TRUE FALSE
MapML              FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
TIGER              FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
AVCBin             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
AVCE00             FALSE      TRUE  TRUE
HTTP                TRUE      TRUE FALSE

Read data from a URL using {sf}

read_sf() works well with a direct link to a spatial data file.

Read a GeoJSON file:

# GeoJSON (geojson)
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 11 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -124.4096 ymin: 32.53416 xmax: -114.1315 ymax: 42.00952
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 1 × 12
  name       abbreviation capital    city   population   area waterarea landarea
  <chr>      <chr>        <chr>      <chr>       <int>  <int>     <int>    <int>
1 California CA           Sacramento Los A…   38332521 423968     20502   403466
# ℹ 4 more variables: houseseats <int>, statehood <date>, group <chr>,
#   geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>

Read a KML file:

# Keyhole Markup Language (kml)
Simple feature collection with 161 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -167.15 ymin: 0 xmax: 0 ymax: 69.3333
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 161 × 3
   Name                                    Description             geometry
   <chr>                                   <chr>                <POINT [°]>
 1 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi… (-113.9553 43.39448)
 2 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…  (-114.1191 46.0793)
 3 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…  (-114.1191 46.0793)
 4 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…  (-114.1191 46.0793)
 5 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi… (-109.5936 44.49239)
 6 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…  (-114.1191 46.0793)
 7 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…   (-109.817 40.7667)
 8 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…            (-105 39)
 9 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi… (-106.1376 39.62102)
10 "Patterson's bluegrass, Patterson blue… "<table wi…   (-111.183 40.6167)
# ℹ 151 more rows

Read a GeoPackage file:

# GeoPackage (gpkg)
Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
# A tibble: 100 × 15
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 0.114      1.44  1825    1825 Ashe  37009  37009        5  1091     1      10
 2 0.061      1.23  1827    1827 Alle… 37005  37005        3   487     0      10
 3 0.143      1.63  1828    1828 Surry 37171  37171       86  3188     5     208
 4 0.07       2.97  1831    1831 Curr… 37053  37053       27   508     1     123
 5 0.153      2.21  1832    1832 Nort… 37131  37131       66  1421     9    1066
 6 0.097      1.67  1833    1833 Hert… 37091  37091       46  1452     7     954
 7 0.062      1.55  1834    1834 Camd… 37029  37029       15   286     0     115
 8 0.091      1.28  1835    1835 Gates 37073  37073       37   420     0     254
 9 0.118      1.42  1836    1836 Warr… 37185  37185       93   968     4     748
10 0.124      1.43  1837    1837 Stok… 37169  37169       85  1612     1     160
# ℹ 90 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: BIR79 <dbl>, SID79 <dbl>, NWBIR79 <dbl>,
#   geom <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>

Even non-spatial data works if the data includes a well-known text column:

# Comma-separated values (csv)
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 4 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 0 ymin: 0 xmax: 44 ymax: 55
CRS:           NA
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  Id    Int64        Int32 WKT          geometry
  <chr> <chr>        <chr> <chr>         <POINT>
1 1     "0"          "33"  POINT(0 1)      (0 1)
2 2     "4294967297" "44"  POINT(44 55)  (44 55)
3 3     ""           ""    POINT(0 0)      (0 0)

If the non-spatial data does not include a well-known text column, read_sf() still returns a data frame:

# A tibble: 9,766 × 8
   Year  LEA   `LEA Name` School `School Name`         Grade    `Enrolled Count`
   <chr> <chr> <chr>      <chr>  <chr>                 <chr>    <chr>           
 1 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Prekind… 19              
 2 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Kinderg… 42              
 3 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Grade 1  33              
 4 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Grade 2  29              
 5 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Grade 3  26              
 6 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Grade 4  31              
 7 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary Grade 5  36              
 8 2023  01    Allegany   0301   Flintstone Elementary All Gra… 216             
 9 2023  01    Allegany   0401   South Penn Elementary Prekind… 77              
10 2023  01    Allegany   0401   South Penn Elementary Kinderg… 79              
# ℹ 9,756 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: `Create Date` <chr>

A multifile format like a shapefile does not work as a URL:

# Shapefile (shp)
Error: Cannot open ""; The file doesn't seem to exist.

But it does work if you provide a local file path (system.file() returns a file path in this case):

read_sf(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
# A tibble: 100 × 15
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 0.114      1.44  1825    1825 Ashe  37009  37009        5  1091     1      10
 2 0.061      1.23  1827    1827 Alle… 37005  37005        3   487     0      10
 3 0.143      1.63  1828    1828 Surry 37171  37171       86  3188     5     208
 4 0.07       2.97  1831    1831 Curr… 37053  37053       27   508     1     123
 5 0.153      2.21  1832    1832 Nort… 37131  37131       66  1421     9    1066
 6 0.097      1.67  1833    1833 Hert… 37091  37091       46  1452     7     954
 7 0.062      1.55  1834    1834 Camd… 37029  37029       15   286     0     115
 8 0.091      1.28  1835    1835 Gates 37073  37073       37   420     0     254
 9 0.118      1.42  1836    1836 Warr… 37185  37185       93   968     4     748
10 0.124      1.43  1837    1837 Stok… 37169  37169       85  1612     1     160
# ℹ 90 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: BIR79 <dbl>, SID79 <dbl>, NWBIR79 <dbl>,
#   geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>

Working with web services

Examples of common web services for working with spatial data include:

  • Spatial data sharing and discovery
  • Spatial data visualization
  • Routing
  • Geocoding

Considerations when working with web services

Using a web service often requires:

  • Creating an account for authentication and billing
  • Dedicating funding for usage
  • Understanding data privacy implications

Example: Feature Services

An ArcGIS FeatureServer URL does not work:

Error: Cannot open ""; The file doesn't seem to exist.

But a FeatureServer URL that includes the output format does work:

Simple feature collection with 24 features and 17 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -79.48731 ymin: 37.88654 xmax: -75.0492 ymax: 39.72288
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 24 × 18
      <int> <chr>                    <int> <chr>                          <int>
 1        1 Prince George's             16 PG                                16
 2        2 Cecil                        7 CE                                 7
 3        3 Howard                      13 HO                                13
 4        4 Talbot                      20 TA                                20
 5        5 Garrett                     11 GA                                11
 6        6 Baltimore City              24 BC                                24
 7        7 Carroll                      6 CL                                 6
 8        8 Washington                  21 WA                                21
 9        9 Worcester                   23 WO                                23
10       10 Frederick                   10 FR                                10
# ℹ 14 more rows
# ℹ 13 more variables: COUNTY_2DIGITCAPS <chr>, DISTRICT_NAME <chr>,
#   DISTRICT_NUMBER <int>, COUNTY_FIP <int>, COUNTYNUM <int>, TSD_ID <int>,
#   COUNTY <chr>, DISTRICT <int>, Shape__Area <dbl>, Shape__Length <dbl>,
#   COUNTY_ALLCAPS <chr>, Region <chr>, geometry <POLYGON [°]>

There are a wide variety of packages that you can use to supplement {sf}.


feature_layer <- arc_open("")

Simple feature collection with 24 features and 17 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 607669.3 ymin: 80997.33 xmax: 1870976 ymax: 757701.4
Projected CRS: NAD83(HARN) / Maryland (ftUS)
First 10 features:
1         1 Prince George's             16                  PG               16
2         2           Cecil              7                  CE                7
3         3          Howard             13                  HO               13
4         4          Talbot             20                  TA               20
5         5         Garrett             11                  GA               11
6         6  Baltimore City             24                  BC               24
7         7         Carroll              6                  CL                6
8         8      Washington             21                  WA               21
9         9       Worcester             23                  WO               23
10       10       Frederick             10                  FR               10
1                 16    District 3               3         33        16      3
2                 07    District 2               2         15         7     21
3                 13    District 7               7         27        13     10
4                 20    District 2               2         41        20     18
5                 11    District 6               6         23        11      4
6                 24   No District               0        510        24     23
7                 06    District 7               7         13         6      1
8                 21    District 6               6         43        21   1060
9                 23    District 1               1         47        23      2
10                10    District 7               7         21        10     24
            COUNTY DISTRICT Shape__Area Shape__Length  COUNTY_ALLCAPS Region
1  Prince George's        3 13902243040      720691.0 PRINCE GEORGE'S   <NA>
2            Cecil        2 11643675836      494670.7           CECIL   <NA>
3           Howard        7  7056288549      471922.1          HOWARD   <NA>
4           Talbot        2 13193323636      657963.0          TALBOT   <NA>
5          Garrett        6 18339518744      680782.9         GARRETT   <NA>
6   Baltimore City        0  2562810672      207145.0  BALTIMORE CITY   <NA>
7          Carroll        7 12623420879      651107.6         CARROLL   <NA>
8       Washington        6 13031238277      948164.4      WASHINGTON   <NA>
9        Worcester        1 16297527948      694972.5       WORCESTER   <NA>
10       Frederick        7 18613257293      683407.8       FREDERICK   <NA>
1  POLYGON ((1313442 476110.4,...
2  POLYGON ((1660741 628728.5,...
3  POLYGON ((1391417 567919.8,...
4  POLYGON ((1611348 457521.9,...
5  POLYGON ((769889 754580.7, ...
6  POLYGON ((1445534 565803.6,...
7  POLYGON ((1371781 748182.4,...
8  POLYGON ((936016.4 751530.6...
9  POLYGON ((1870321 284172.9,...
10 POLYGON ((1213130 747989.9,...

Example: Mapbox API

mapboxapi::mb_isochrone() allows access to the Mapbox Isochrone API:


walk_5min <- mb_isochrone(
  "100 Holliday St, Baltimore, MD 21202",
  profile = "walking",
  time = 5

Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -76.61453 ymin: 39.28688 xmax: -76.6056 ymax: 39.29477
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 1 × 2
   time                                                                 geometry
  <int>                                                            <POLYGON [°]>
1     5 ((-76.60768 39.29392, -76.60868 39.2939, -76.6098 39.29477, -76.6115 39…

Example: Mapbox API

mapboxapi::addMapboxTiles() provides easy access to the Mapbox Static Tiles API:


leaflet(walk_5min) %>%
  addMapboxTiles(style_id = "streets-v11",
                 username = "mapbox") %>%

Storing and organizing spatial data takes planning

Planning for the structure and organization of your data can be supported using a variety of tools:

  • Diagram drawing applications (e.g.
  • Entity-relationship diagram tools (e.g. drawDB)
  • Low-code, visual database applications (e.g. Airtable)