Data sources

Spatial data is available in a wide range of formats at the local, national, and international levels. Data is often published through larger data portals where you can find links to access data through a web service or options to download part of all of the data.

Local data sources for Baltimore and Maryland πŸ¦€

National data sources for the U.S. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Global data sources 🌏

R packages for data access

General data access packages

General data access packages include:

Domain-specific data access packages

There are many different data access R packages for interacting with APIs and web services relevant to specific domains of research or practice.

A few broadly useful packages include:

  • {tigris}: Download and use Census TIGER/Line shapefiles.
  • {tidycensus}: Get US Census boundary and attribute data.
  • {rnaturalearth}: Get Natural Earth data.
  • {osmdata}: Get OpenStreetMap data.
  • {geodata}: Get climate, elevation, soil, crop, species occurrence, and administrative boundary data.
  • {dataRetrieval}: Get USGS or EPA water quality sample data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services.

Explore the Data Access category on ROpenSci or search for packages on R-universe or CRAN to find the right package for your project or exercise.

Local data access packages

I also maintain a few R packages for open data access in Baltimore and Maryland that students working on local projects may find helpful: