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Week 5

Tidying and joining spatial data


September 25, 2024

This week we are learning to use {dplyr} and {tidyr} to join tables and switching data between a wide and long format.


Key Objectives

  • Practice joining tables by attribute with {dplyr}
  • Practice converting between wide and long data formats with dplyr::pivot_longer() and dplyr::pivot_wider()
  • Practice recoding categorical attribute data using the {forcats} package


Required readings

Optional readings

  • Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein “Who Collects the Data? A Tale of Three Maps,” MIT Case Studies in Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing (February 5, 2021), doi:.
  • Karl W. Broman and Kara H. Woo “Data Organization in Spreadsheets,” The American Statistician 72, no. 1 (January 2, 2018): 2–10, doi:.


🖥️ Tidying and joining data


Exercise details to be provided.